All-Inspired Policies
Welcome to the All Inspired Policies Download page. Here, you can access important documents related to our services, practices, and guidelines. Please find the relevant policies below:
Policy downloads
Feel free to click on the links to download each policy. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to call us on (07765) 238392.
Thank you for choosing All-Inspired!
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Accessibility plan 2024
The purpose of this plan is to show how our educational setting intends, over time, to increase accessibility to the VR environment, the curriculum and written information so that all pupils/students with a disability can take full advantage of their education and associated opportunities.
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Policy on mobile phones 2024
At All-Inspired we recognise that mobile phones, including smart phones, are an important part of everyday life for our young people, parents and staff, as well as the wider school community.
Our policy aims to promote, and set an example for, safe and responsible phone use.
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Quality and diversity policy
All-Inspired is open to young people ranging from 12-25 years old. We aim to help the young people to have an atmosphere of friendship, respect and care for each other. We aim to treat every young child equally, regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.